Sunday, April 7, 2013

End of break

I've accomplished a lot this break, but I am still disappointed that it is over! I made my Virtual Bee block, "crocheted" a ruffle scarf, visited with friends and ate out a lot, but I am most thrilled to have finished a set of pillowcases and a simple wall hanging. One of my students is leaving for her new home at the end of the week. She is being adopted. She is such a sweet girl and I hope she has a wonderful, amazing life with fantastic opportunities - but she will be missed. When she learned she was being adopted, she asked me to make her something. We agreed on the pillowcases. (I know that sounds very forward of her, but the social graces are learned. I suspect she will become more adept at them in her new home!) The wall hanging is plain: a simple white background with the school's initials. I plan to have her classmates sign the wall hanging as an autograph keepsake.

virtual bee block

A short story to remember to make purchases carefully: My son, Matt, came home from work early last night. I had ordered him new shoes but even though the design number was the same as before, the shoes were different. They weren't no slip - and he took a nasty fall. He's banged up and sore this morning. I will have to order him real, no-slip, new shoes; but now he has a nice pair of spare shoes! At least at 21, he'll recover quicker than I would!

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